Climbing Rainbows

"Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all the living creatures of every kind on the earth." -Genesis 9:16

My Photo
Location: Ohio, United States

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Trail Signs

Everything that God has done in our lives are "trail signs" of who He is and all that He is doing through us.

Trail Signs

Here’s a twig that’s broken,
And there the grass is pressed;
Clearly, signs have spoken,
A note to me addressed—

Here, a heart that’s thriving,
And there a life made new;
Clearly, all God’s striving
Is here for all to view—

Here, the signs are telling
The tale of all God’s done,
Every act is spelling
The battle He has won—

There, we see the vision
That God has had in mind,
Now my sole ambition
Is this, God’s dream, to find!

(c) 2005 Benjamin Graber

Monday, December 19, 2005

Now announcing...

The Discovering the Heart of Life Photography Group has completed its first publication. Mike Thorn took 12 of my poems and 12 of his pictures and compiled a 2006 calendar. This calendar is for sale at .

Friday, December 16, 2005

Here I Am

Giving yourself up for Christ can really hurt at times, but to see His face and know His grace is worth every bit of the pain.

Here I Am

You know
It hurts;
You know
My flesh avoids the pain;
But here I am,
So take my life
And make a glowing flame;

You know
I’m weak;
You know
This can’t be done alone,
So here I am,
’Cause all I want
I find before Your throne;

You know
My heart;
You know
I’m longing for Your grace,
So here I am,
And here I’ll stay—
I’m here to see Your face.

(c) 2005 Benjamin Graber

Friday, December 09, 2005

Freedom from the Chains of Sin

Christ came to set us free from the slavery of our sin. Come, take a breath of grace and live in the freedom of love. There is nowhere else that true joy can be found.

Freedom from the Chains of Sin

I never knew my legs were chained,
Because my heart was quite enthralled
By all the hidden crannies here,
Within the prison walls.

But then when someone called my name
I took a step, and then I fell,
Enslaved by chains of sin and guilt,
Within the prison walls—

But when a hand I could not see
Removed the chains, and I was free,
With joy I watched the walls fall down,
And shouted out with glee—

I’m free! I run the fields of joy,
And love is shining on my face;
I’m following my Savior,
And breathe the air of grace.

(c) 2005 Benjamin Graber

Thursday, December 08, 2005

New Glasses

Putting on the "glasses" of thankfulness allows you to see blessings that you never even knew existed. Your whole outlook on life becomes more cheerful and bright, and the trials never seem as big.

New Glasses

I could cry a million tears,
I could voice my deepest fears,
I could say that God’s not here
But it will not change what He has done…

If I see adoption’s rank,
See that blessings have me flanked,
All that I can do is thank
He who poured His love and grace on me…

I could cry a million tears,
But through thankfulness appears
Many blessings that God shares,
And I get a glimpse of all He’s done!

(c) 2005 Benjamin Graber

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Christ Alone

"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and decptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ. For in Christ all the fullness of the Diety lives in bodily form, and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority." -Colossians 2:6-10

Christ Alone

We’ve gambled with our priceless jewel
In hope that we could keep our rags,
And in the middle of the war
We grab a pebble, drop the flag;

We play with fire and act surprised
When we are branded with our scars—
We’ve settled for our pool of mud
When God has offered us the stars!

We’re fools!—Why can’t we see the truth?
Paul told us once—we should have known—
The petty things we chase are trash,
Our only hope is Christ alone!

(c) 2005 Benjamin Graber

Friday, December 02, 2005

Drink Offering

“But even if I am being poured out like a drink offering on the sacrifice and service coming from your faith, I am glad and rejoice with all of you.” -Philippians 2:17

I was thinking about Philippians 2:17 the other day, wondering how Paul could rejoice as he is being poured out as a drink offering. But then I remembered this first part of the same chapter of Philippians: “If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love being one in spirit and purpose” -Philippians 2:1-2, and I realized that Paul would joyfully sacrifice his life if it bound his brothers and sisters closer together in love. It was his joy to see them united in one spirit and purpose.

Drink Offering

If red’s required to color love
Then use my blood as paint,
If sacrifice is binding us,
I’ll die with no complaint,
Whatever love requires,
My life will feed the fire—

I know this is our destiny,
So what else can I ask
But that when God reveals His plans
He’ll bless me with the task
To bind us more as one
Until His home is done—

If red’s required to color love
Then use my blood as paint,
The greatest thing that I desire
Is love between the saints;
When we have learned to share
Then Christ is present here!

(c) 2005 Benjamin Graber

Note: Please keep in mind as you read poetry, that metaphors are one of the tools of poetical expression. I am not advocating the use of blood as paint any more than I've walked on a actual path that was “paved with petals”. :)