Climbing Rainbows

"Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all the living creatures of every kind on the earth." -Genesis 9:16

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Location: Ohio, United States

Thursday, December 06, 2007


There are so many ways that this world needs a savior... What is incredible is that God has supplied a Savior who reaches all these needs...


The silent rooms of an empty home—
How can the shards of a broken heart
Be pieced together again?

Vivid memories haunt the present—
How can the stains of a sinful past
Be purged from who I am?

Deep crevasses divide our lives—
How can our hearts, frozen in bitterness,
Be knit together as one?

But Jesus came to redeem us—
He conquered death itself:
His love is large enough
To wash the past away…


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