Climbing Rainbows

"Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all the living creatures of every kind on the earth." -Genesis 9:16

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Location: Ohio, United States

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Your life has fallen with a splash
Into the pond of days gone by,
And I recall with tearful eyes
The tender bond between our hearts…

Your life descended in the depths,
No signs remain of all you were—
But in your friends the ripples flow,
’Twas not in vain you shared your love…

Benjamin Graber

Judas Kiss

This one hurt just to write it. But I think that most of us need hear this message at times. So I share it, hoping that maybe it will open the eyes of someone who needs to see.

Judas Kiss

A friend beckons me outside—
From the window
I hold up a piece of paper
Yellow with age
With the words “I love you”
Written elaborately,
A masterpiece of calligraphy
(The same paper used by my grandfather),
And blow kisses.

He opens up the door—
I shout a greeting
And grant a smile,
But when he extends his hand
I shake my head—
I’ve seen the wolves
Devour human flesh,
And know it’s wise to stay indoors.

He turns and walks away—
I sit in the recliner,
Kick off my shoes,
Lean back,
Take his biography off the shelf,
And massage the cover.
Oh, how I love him!
He bought this house for me,
And furnished it,
So many dreams come true.

I read the chapter
Where his friends deserted him,
And slammed the cover shut.
“I would never do that!”
Glancing out the window
I saw him look back one last time.
I smiled and waved.

Benjamin Graber