Climbing Rainbows

"Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all the living creatures of every kind on the earth." -Genesis 9:16

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Location: Ohio, United States

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Through the Valleys

Walking by faith doesn't always take us to where all our dreams come true. Sometimes God takes us through the valley of the shadow of death, even when we are following Him. But that is nothing to be afraid of - because Christ is at our side.

Through the Valleys

I saw the doors be opened,
I heard the voice that called,
I followed where it led me,
But didn’t see the fall;

My dreams did not have room for
The tumble o’er the cliff—
And now my steps are guarded
By a heart that asks “What if?”…

So lead me to the pasture
I know that You’ve prepared—
But take me by the hand, Lord,
Because I’m really scared…

If you take me through valleys,
Through doors You opened wide,
Then let me feel Your peace
As You walk by my side.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, that's really true. I love the poem.

So lead me to the pasture
I know that You’ve prepared—
But take me by the hand, Lord,
Because I’m really scared…

If you take me through valleys,
Through doors You opened wide,
Then let me feel Your peace
As You walk by my side.

I like those lines best. =)

8:56 PM  
Blogger Benjamin Graber said...

Grace, glad to see you today, even though I didn't get a chance to say hello. I hope you enjoyed the afternoon as much as I did... :-)

10:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol, I really enjoyed game day as well, and I'm looking forward to the reunion next week! Thanks again for sharing your poetry so often. It's always an encouragement to read the thoughts of someone who views things from the same perspective as I do. People like that are hard to come by these days.

11:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You take thoughts, fears, etc. from the Christian life and turn it into beautiful, rhythmic poems. This one was one of my favorites- so very applicable to everyday life. :-)

It was great seeing y'all yesterday!


10:10 PM  
Blogger Benjamin Graber said...

Thanks for the compliment, Brianna... I'm glad you liked this poem. This one is actually more real to me than some are, because it is something I am living out.
It was great seeing you and your brothers and sister on Friday as well!

8:38 AM  

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