Climbing Rainbows

"Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all the living creatures of every kind on the earth." -Genesis 9:16

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Location: Ohio, United States

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Lot's Choice

To watch the valley from the mountain
And revel in the view
Instead of seeing someone there
And wishing it was you.

Lot’s Choice

In every tenet of love
A sacrifice of what you think is best
Is what is required—

But you saw the fertile valley,
Saw the riches mounded in its boundaries,
And forgot the blessings of God—

You desired the wealth; you chose the fields,
Stepping forward with a smile
Into the valley of discontentment—

But you didn’t know, did you,
That the hidden costs were more by far
Than you would ever want to pay?

You ran for your life
As the fields were burned by fire,
And your wife turned to a pillar of salt,
A monument to remind future generations
Of the danger of discontentment…

…And despite the riches of the valley,
Through God’s generous blessings
Numbered by the stars,
It was the other choice
That proved to be far the better…


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